Step into the rhythm with our Tap class!
Level 1
This lively and rhythmic class is perfect for dancers of all skill levels who want to explore the art of tap dancing.
Tap dance combines movement with music, creating intricate rhythms and sounds through footwork.
In our tap class, you'll start with a warm-up focused on developing coordination, balance, and rhythm. You'll learn basic tap technique, including footwork, syncopation, and timing.
Tap dance is not just about the steps—it's about making music with your feet and expressing yourself through movement.
Rhythm and expression take center stage in our tap class.
Join us and tap into Dynamic dance!
These dancers will perform at the year-end Recital!
Tap Dress Code
Girls: Any color leotard, tan tights, and black tap shoes. Hair secured in a ponytail.
Boys: Black dance pants, white tee shirt, and black tap shoes.