Primary Jazz & Hip Hop Combo

Our Primary Jazz/Hip-Hop Combo offers an exciting introduction to dance for children ages 5-7+

In this dynamic and energetic class, young dancers will explore the fundamentals of both jazz and hip-hop dance styles.

They'll learn basic jazz techniques, such as kicks, turns, and leaps, alongside introductory hip-hop moves, including rhythm, isolations, and freestyle.

This combination class helps improve coordination, musicality, and self-expression, all while having fun.

The focus is on fostering a love for dance in a supportive and exciting environment

These dancers will perform one style of dance at the year-end Recital!

Dress Code

Girls: Any color leotard, tan tights, and tan jazz shoes. Hair secured in a ponytail. 

Boys: Black dance pants, white tee shirt, and tan jazz shoes.