Dive into the dynamic world of Acro!
Hop & Tumble, Acro/Conditioning 1 & 2
Perfect for students of all ages and levels, this class blends the beauty of dance with the athleticism of acrobatics, focusing on strength, flexibility, and tumbling skills.
In our Acro classes, you'll begin with a thorough warm-up that includes stretching and conditioning exercises tailored to enhance your flexibility and core strength. You'll then move into learning fundamental acrobatic techniques, such as rolls, handstands, cartwheels, and balances.
Progressing through the class, you'll work on building skills like backbends, walkovers, and aerials, with an emphasis on safety and proper technique.
Our experienced instructors will guide you through step-by-step progressions, ensuring that each student learns at their own pace and comfort level.
This fusion of dance and acrobatics enhances coordination, agility, and spatial awareness.
Leap into the dynamic world of Acro, blending athleticism with artistic expression in every class
These dancers will perform at the year-end Recital!
Acro Dress Code
Girls: Any color leotard and footless tights. Barefoot. Hair in a ponytail.
Boys: Fitted shorts or yoga-style pants, fitted tee shirt, barefoot.